Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reflection Is at the Heart of Practice

This Critical Incidents Protocol will be very helpful in Korean education situation, which has changed quite a lot but still is exclusive. But finding meanings in an ordinary teaching procedure may need some training course even though it is not that tough. Also, I guess teachers tend to be fragile to get criticized. So, if that part is made up for, many teachers will try this CIP.
In addition, I found some difficulty to understand the procedure how another participant takes the role of the person of the main story, and the meaning of ‘reflective’.


  1. For the first time, I couldn't undetstand about CIP before I saw the video clip in the classroom. However, when I saw the video clip, I could understand CIP situation. Of course, most teachers in the Korea tent to be fragile to get criticized.
    I think every person had a lot of stories in their life. Through your stoty, I hope to listen about CIP. :) Have a nice day.
